San Francisco (Be Sure To Wear Flowers In Your Hair) - Scott McKenzie

sol sol MI MI MI RE RE si la - If you're going to San Francisco
sol sol sol MI MI RE MI RE si la - Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
sol la sol RE si la sol sol mi re - If you're going to San Francisco
sol sol la si MI RE MI RE si la - You're gonna meet some gentle people there

sol sol sol MI MI RE RE si la - For those who come to San Francisco
sol sol MI MI RE MI RE si la - Summertime will be a love - in there
sol sol sol RE si la sol sol mi re - In the streets of San Francisco
sol la si si MI RE MI RE si la - Gentle people with flowers in their hair

FA FA FA MI MI RE - All across the nation
FA FA FA MI MI RE si - Such a strange vibration
DO si si DO si - People in motion
FA FA FA MI MI RE - There's a whole generation
FA FA FA FA MI MI RE DO si - with a new explanation
DO si si DO si - People in motion
RE MI RE MI RE - People in motion

sol sol sol MI MI RE RE si la - For those who come to San Francisco
sol sol MI MI RE MI RE si la - Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair
sol sol RE si la sol sol mi re - If you come to San Francisco
sol la si si MI RE MI RE si sol - Summertime will be a love - in there

la si DO# si la la fa# mi - If you come to San Francisco
la si la MI DO# FA# MI FA# MI DO# si la - Summertime will be a love - in there

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